Photo credits to Femi Odelusi of FemOdel Photography.
You were created to RISE. To grow. To blossom. To always move to the next level.
It is an essential part of the human experience. From the cradle to the grave, we continue to grow and evolve. This is no different for us as people of colour.
Sometimes in our bid to grow and excel, we try to skip steps or take shortcuts or worst of all, we get confused and stuck.
This is why Career nuggets was formed. Not just to inspire and encourage but to also guide and support.
At the 2018 Meet Your Mentor event, we were able to do all of these things – Guide, Support, Inspire and encourage.
For some of us, simply being there was inspiration enough – the energy, the buzz of the atmosphere and being in close proximity to like minded people – all on the same mission of moving to their next level – that was inspiring…
The Theme of the event was “Visibility in the Marketplace”.
Our keynote speaker Anna Baird spoke on Your Digital DNA and gave practical steps on how to create an online presence for ourselves as professionals.
Another speaker was Charles Oham from the University of Greenwich. (pictured left below). He explained why it was important to adopt an Entrepreneurial Mindset at every stage of our careers. He also emphasised the value of connections and collaboration as a career growth strategy.
Jacqui from Robertson Bell, a top recruitment firm, gave a talk with very insightful practical job search and interview tips.
Our sponsors and exhibitors were on hand to provide Information, advice and opportunities such as:
He Reigns Healthcare – who provide training, apprenticeships and work opportunities for people in the healthcare profession.
Tritek Consulting – who provide online and onsite training and work experience in project management and business analysis.
Testing Academy – who train individuals in software testing and also provide them work opportunities after training.
This project would not have gone forward without our sponsors and exhibitors. Many of whom have supported us for years. We owe them a debt of gratitude and appreciation for their support.
Career Nuggets, my Book was on show, sporting a brand new cover.
Our line-up of panelists featured the brightest and the best from different sectors and organisations – both career professionals and entrepreneurs. They answered questions and each told their own stories of growth, success and failure. It was extremely informative and inspiring.
Morenike Ajayi, the founder of Career Nuggets spoke on Your next Level…
… and shared several success stories, statistics and testimonials from last year’s MYM event.
Supported as always by husband Kenny Ajayi, who was both compere and coordinator.
Our mentors all volunteered their time to be matched with suitable and willing mentees. They are committed to work with their mentees for up to 6 months.
Their first sessions followed shortly after the seminar in the break out sessions. The mentors met their mentees – there were face to face introductions, setting out of agendas and discovering individual needs.