How to Future-Proof your Career

Enjoy this recording of Morenike Ajayi speaking at the “Equipping People” service.

Signs and Symptoms of a Glass Ceiling

My Question: What is a glass ceiling and how can you tell that there is one…?

The Nuggets: A glass ceiling is an invisible barrier that is holding us back. It varies from person to person and from organisation to organisation.

What do you Know About Assessment Centres?

A fascinating look at what goes on in assessment centres. Assessment centres are the next step in progressing your application to a graduate scheme. Find out what goes on in there and get insight into what employers are looking for. Employers need to see other qualities beyond your qualifications.

The Nuggets: Teamwork It is a way for people to show their character beyond just the qualifications. Leadership skills

The Best Time to Apply for Graduate Scheme Jobs?

My Question: When is the Best Time to Apply for Graduate Scheme Jobs?

The Nuggets: Apply before the rush period (Usually this is around autumn) You may be busy with your finals at the time you should apply but with time management, you may be able to get those applications in.

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